Hamilton INSTINCT S Automation Software

Hamilton automated sample storage platforms run on our powerful, easy-to-use INSTINCT S software. INSTINCT S allows users to run daily operations easily and with minimal training.


Powerful Sample Management Software for Automated Storage Platforms

INSTINCT S is Hamilton’s powerful, easy-to-use lab sample management software that allows users to run daily operations with minimal training. The sample management software is available across all Hamilton automated sample storage platforms – Verso Q-Series, VersoSAM HD, and BiOS systems. INSTINCT S covers all of your freezer inventory software needs.

sample management software

Features and Benefits of INSTINCT S Storage Automation Software

  • Run daily operations with the single click of a button
  • Operate the system with minimal training
  • Set up automated inventory, access control, and full audit trails to keep track of samples
  • The Job Management engine allows jobs to run at different priorities, with the ability to pause and resume
  • Control the system remotely using your smartphone or tablet (Verso Q-Series only)
  • Use the powerful Application Programming Interface (API) to interact directly with a LIMS or with Hamilton liquid handling workstations

Simple Laboratory Information Management System Integration

Our RESTful-based API allows for easy integration with your laboratory information management system (LIMS).

Some examples for successful integration with LIMS and sample management software using our API include Titian Mosaic, LabWare LIMS, and Labvantage, to name just a few.

The API includes many functionalities that are available on the user interface, such as:

  • Job Management – create, modify, cancel, or pause jobs
  • Sample Inventory – information on the sample in the system or historical placement of the sample
  • Notifications – inform the LIMS when a job has changed states, or when a sample has been moved into or removed from the storage system to help keep the LIMS synchronized with the physical state

biobanking software


GeneSmart tự hào là đơn vị tiên phòng đầu tiên tại Việt Nam cung cấp giải pháp:

1. Giải trình tự tế bào đơn (SINGLE-CELL SEQUENCING);

2. Chuẩn bị mẫu tự động (AUTOMATED LIQUID HANDLING);

3. Xét nghiệm và chẩn đoán bệnh nhiễm (DIAGNOSIS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE);

4. Sinh chiết lỏng (LIQUID BIOPSY)

5. Giải phẫu bệnh sinh học phân tử (MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY)

6. Nghiên cứu ung thư (CANCER RESEARCH)

7. Nghiên cứu miễn dịch (IMMUNOLOGY)

8. Khoa học hình sự (FORENSIC)

9. Trữ mẫu sinh học (Ngân hàng sinh học, BIOBANKING)



Địa chỉ: 58-60 Hòa Bình (Tòa nhà Hòa Bình), Tầng 4B, Phường 5, Quận 11, TP. Hồ Chí Minh.

Hotline: +84 947 528 778 | Website: https://genesmart.vn/

Email: [email protected] hoặc [email protected]