LabElite I.D. Reader

Automated Barcode Reading

The high-speed I.D. Reader automatically decodes 2D barcoded tubes on most common tube racks, including honeycomb-shaped racks, providing complete sample tracking during processing.

Features of the I.D. Reader

  • Processes a 96-format tube rack in less than three seconds and a 384-format tube rack in five seconds
  • Cutting-edge decoding technology allows for robust and secure identification of even challenging codes
  • Optional 1D barcode reading for racks
  • Multiple tube heights can be read within the same rack
  • Compatible with SiLA (Standard in Laboratory Automation)
  • Highly-configurable output options for smooth integration into LIMS or databases
  • Compact and ergonomic design supports efficient workflow

New Feature: ColdScan

This new technology actively moves air across the scanning window to minimize condensation when scanning frozen tube racks.

  • Easily and accurately identify frozen samples
  • Save time and ensure sample integrity by eliminating the need to thaw
  • Eliminate scan errors due to fog build up

Specifications for the LabElite I.D. Reader

Dimensions (L x W x H) 364 mm x 135 mm x 181 mm
(14.3 in x 5.3 in x 7.13 in)
Supported Labware 12-, 24-, 48-, 96-, 384-format tube racks

ABgene, Axygen, Corning, FluidX, Greiner, Hamilton, LVL, Matrical, Matrix, Micronic, Nunc, REMP, and WHEATON*

Supported 1D Barcodes 2/5 Industrial / Interleaved, Code 39, Code 128, Pharmacode, Codabar, EAN 13
Supported 2D Barcodes Datamatrix ECC 200, PDF417, QR Code
Camera 10 megapixel CMOS
Recommended PC Windows 7 64-bit (required), 2.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, 3GB RAM, 250GB HD, 16x DVD+/-RW
Communication One USB 2.0 port for the camera connection

*Others available upon request

GeneSmart tự hào là đơn vị tiên phòng đầu tiên tại Việt Nam cung cấp giải pháp:

1. Giải trình tự tế bào đơn (SINGLE-CELL SEQUENCING);

2. Chuẩn bị mẫu tự động (AUTOMATED LIQUID HANDLING);

3. Xét nghiệm và chẩn đoán bệnh nhiễm (DIAGNOSIS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE);

4. Sinh chiết lỏng (LIQUID BIOPSY)

5. Giải phẫu bệnh sinh học phân tử (MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY)

6. Nghiên cứu ung thư (CANCER RESEARCH)

7. Nghiên cứu miễn dịch (IMMUNOLOGY)

8. Khoa học hình sự (FORENSIC)

9. Trữ mẫu sinh học (Ngân hàng sinh học, BIOBANKING)



Địa chỉ: 65-67 Đường Số 5 - Cư xá Bình Thới, Phường 8, Quận 11, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.

Hotline: +84 947 528 778 | Website:

Email: [email protected] hoặc [email protected]

HotlineSale: Kim AnhBáo giáSupportVăn phòng miền Nam
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