Verso Q10 Hotel

Hamilton’s Verso Q10 Hotel provides flexible and convenient storage for your automated workflows. This automation technology handles the storage of microplates, tip boxes, and tip racks without the need for cumbersome reload steps. The state-of-the-art software allows for remote and mobile access for your system management.


Effortless, Hands-Free Microplate and Tip Logistics to Ease Assay Workflows

The new Verso Q10 Hotel automatically manages storage of microplates, as well as tip boxes and tip racks, so assay workflows aren’t interrupted by cumbersome manual consumable reload steps. Advanced functionality and convenient, flexible operation provide peace of mind during critical applications such as cell culturing or high throughput next generation sequencing.

Verso Q10 Hotel is available in various configurations and door orientations. A hand-off station is available, including an optional safety cover for applications requiring an extra measure of safety.

Verso Q10 Hotel benchtop device

Advanced Technology for Quick Integration

Verso Q10 Hotel is simple and convenient to operate, and smaller than comparable third-party products in this class. Items are stored at room temperature and comfortably loaded through the large doors while stackers may be loaded directly instead of waiting for a carousel to attain the right position. A barcode reader provides an extra measure of confidence that consumables and stackers were loaded correctly.

Advanced software uses the latest web-based technologies, so that system management and inventory status may be accessed remotely through a computer or mobile device. The state-of-the-art software interface ensures that the Verso Q10 Hotel is future ready. Additionally, dedicated drivers are available for Hamilton’s powerful automated liquid handlers.

Features and Benefits

Advanced Integration

  • Inventory Management function tracks location of consumables
  • Web-based graphic user interface facilitates rapid integration and enables remote status and inventory checks
  • Automatic stacker identification, pitch calculations, and empty position detection facilitate rapid operation
  • Drivers are available for Hamilton automated liquid handlers, allowing for rapid integration
  • State-of-the-art software interface ensures stability with current and future integrations


  • Multiple stackers may be loaded at once
  • Remote and mobile access through web-technology based software
  • Advanced-Inventory function scans all loaded microplates
  • Stores microplates, tip boxes, and tip racks

Compact Size

  • High-density storage of microplates, tip boxes, and tip racks
  • Smallest footprint in its class to accommodate labs of any size


Technical Specifications
Width (excluding hand-off station) 680 mm (26.8 in)
Depth 590 mm (23.2 in)
Height 974 mm (38.4 in)
Microplate Capacity Up to 180 microplates
Tip Box Capacity Up to 60 tip boxes

GeneSmart tự hào là đơn vị tiên phòng đầu tiên tại Việt Nam cung cấp giải pháp:

1. Giải trình tự tế bào đơn (SINGLE-CELL SEQUENCING);

2. Chuẩn bị mẫu tự động (AUTOMATED LIQUID HANDLING);

3. Xét nghiệm và chẩn đoán bệnh nhiễm (DIAGNOSIS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE);

4. Sinh chiết lỏng (LIQUID BIOPSY)

5. Giải phẫu bệnh sinh học phân tử (MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY)

6. Nghiên cứu ung thư (CANCER RESEARCH)

7. Nghiên cứu miễn dịch (IMMUNOLOGY)

8. Khoa học hình sự (FORENSIC)

9. Trữ mẫu sinh học (Ngân hàng sinh học, BIOBANKING)



Địa chỉ: 65-67 Đường Số 5 - Cư xá Bình Thới, Phường 8, Quận 11, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.

Hotline: +84 947 528 778 | Website:

Email: [email protected] hoặc [email protected]

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